Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer Fun

Summer Fun

We are enjoying our first summer with twins, the babies have tried swimming (well Brayden decided it was nap time so he really only got to put his feet in when he woke up). Ashlyn loved it, we think she is a true water baby. We took a vacation to Texas and Landon was so excited to see some camels on a farm as we were driving down the highway. We hope you all are enjoying your summer as well.

An update on the babies new milestones. At the last doctors appointment (6/20/2008) Brayden was 16 pounds and 25 inches and Ashlyn was 15 pounds 3 ounces and 24 1/2 inches. Both babies can roll just about anywhere now, Ashlyn can get up on all fours and can scoot backwards. Ashlyn also has her first two teeth coming in (her two on the bottom in the middle). Brayden can hold his own bottle now, and Sunday night (7/13/2008) they started talking to each other. They are changing so fast, I can't believe they will be 7 months old this week. Love to all.

Getting Ready to Swim

Ashlyn loves the water

Who needs to swim ? - Brayden

Patriotic Babies


Odessa Sunrise

Cool Dude
